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Hey Ladies: Car Buying Quiz

I get a lot of questions from readers about what kind of car they should buy.  Green? High Performance?  Economical? Hell, I dunno– mainly because I don't know you.  So I've created this quiz to help us figure you out:

Question 1: How Does This Picture Make You Feel?


A. I hate to think what it will do to my hair.

B. I hate to think of its gas mileage. 

C. I hate to think what my kids would do it.

D. I'm gonna need another set of panties.

Question 2: When I say Mario, you say:

A. Lopez

B. Batali

C. Brothers

D. Andretti

Question 3: Your favorite activity in the car is:

A. Re-applying lipstick

B. Listening to NPR

C. Praying the baby falls asleep

D. Smokin' that other guy

Question 4: If you came home & found this in your driveway you would:


A. Look for the hot guy who parked it there

B. Look for the manual, that thing looks impossible to drive

C. Look for your husband, he needs a beating

D. Look for the Baby Jesus, it's a miracle

Question 5: If you won the lottery tomorrow, your driveway would:

A. Be a lot like Donald Trumps

B. Be exactly the same

C. Be occupied by the safest car money could buy

D. Be a lot like the valet line at Nobu

If you mainly answered:

A. You're a diva.  You need to look good and make sure other people are looking.  I suggest the Fiat 500, BMW 3 series or Mini Cooper. But you'll need to keep the base price low so you'll have enough left over to buy the DIVAME vanity plate, a rhinestone license plate holder and driving gloves.

B. You're pragmatic. You'd probably love a Subaru, Volkswagen Jetta wagon or Prius. But if you want to think outside the box– try a Veggie Oil Mercedes, VW EuroVan or Nissan Leaf. 

C. You're family first. Ain't no shame in that mini van, sister. But if you wanna make it hotter, try the Honda Pilot, BMW X3 or Toyota Highlander. Nobody ever got tired of hearing "Your mom's cool."

D. You're a motorhead. I don't have to tell you what to drive because you're probably already driving it. Your Christmas list features photos from Road & Track. The bowl by your back door looks like it belongs at a 70s key party.  You're the BMW salesguy's best friend. Believe me, I know…

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