In honor of this year's Mother's Day, how about you & the old bag have a little fun for a change? Listen, I'm sure she's gonna love whatever the kids made in school, your heartfelt note and the overpriced brunch, but before you unwrap the pasta necklace, Mama's Mad Libs are here– give it a whirl!
It was another __________ (adj), ___________ (adj) summer afternoon in ______________ (childhood town). We were driving down __________________________(street in childhood town) When, all of a sudden, Mom slammed on the brakes of our _______________________ (childhood car make & year) and said, “_________________(sibling), if you don’t stop ___________(verb)ing ________________________(your name), I'm going to _______________________ (mom's punishment of choice) you!”
So we continued on to _____________________________(favorite childhood restaurant). When we arrived, we saw the ________________________s(next door neighbor’s surname) and _________________________________________(first grade teacher). ________________________(first grade teacher) was ______________ing (action verb) a_______________(adjective) _______________(food). “Wow, I’ve never seen that before” said ________________(sibling). We then sat down & ordered our __________________(favorite childhood food). While we ate, Mom told ___________________(sibling) to stop ___________________ing (verb) because it was going to damage his/her ____________________(body part). Back then, in the _______________s(decade of youth), no one used a __________________(modern electronic) at the table, so we had to do something. But ________________(sibling) was always in trouble, especially for ______________ing(verb) his/her _________________(body part). Dad rolled his eyes, paid the bill and we all piled into the __________________(childhood car). Mom turned on the radio and ____________________(band/musical group) was on, Mom’s favorite. She started singing, __________________(adj) and ______________(adj), like she always did and soon we were all singing along. After the song was over, she asked “Who wants some ______________(food) for dessert?’ “We do”! we all cheered. And we drove home to _______________(childhood home) for dessert, wrapping up another ____________ (adj) night with the __________________(your last name) family.