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Broke, Dorky & Smokin’ Hot in LA

In the Bay Area, geeks are powerful. Even those who aren’t happily ensconced in their post-IPO mansions and banging Russian supermodels are rocking pocket protectors and Coke bottle glasses with no shame.  This is because in twenty minutes, their start-up is going public and they’re going to be… you guessed it… banging Russian supermodels.

In New York, geeks are revered– people actually care where you when to school and if you say you graduated Summa Cum Laude, they don’t say “that’s disgusting.”

But being a geek in LA is different. It’s kinda like… like having third nipple anywhere else.  You know it’s natural and that somebody out there’s gotta appreciate it, but telling anyone is downright mortifying. (Or so I read.)

So when a driver raises his geek flag on the road here, you notice. When he waves it loud and proud, it makes a girl wonder: Why is he so cocky? Is the Kama Sutra part of his required reading? Are his high-waisted pants just a plan to disguise his enormous junk?  Does he use that focus and dedication on EVERYTHING he does? Hmmm…

Consider this guy.  He totally cracked the code.  Sure, the Pinto’s a cliché geek vehicle, but the studly signs are everywhere– his bumper sticker reads “Pimpin’ Aint Easy” and he’s put the “V8” on using Home Depot vinyl lettering– super bad ass geek.

Even the dorky VW rabbit can cross over to pimp town. This fearless Angelino grabbed his, buffed it until it glowed and then parked it with pride in the dreaded compact spot in Santa Monica Place:

Completely balls out. Love it.

But my favorite is this guy. He rolls through Topanga Canyon, sandwiched between cars twice his size and net worth, with his geek flag raised to the hilt:

Don’t miss the SL600– a nice little f* you to his roadside companions.  If you can have that kinda of attitude in this town, you’ve got to be truly cool.  You go, four-eyes, I’ll meet you at the Apple store in 20 minutes!



3 thoughts on “Broke, Dorky & Smokin’ Hot in LA”

  1. I truly appreciate this post. I’ve been looking all over for this! Thank goodness I found it on Bing. You’ve made my day! Thx again

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