This is Freya, my 10 year old daughter:
I know what you’re thinking 1) OMG, she’s adorable. Thanks, I know.. 2) This seems like nepotism. You betcha! It’s a great American past time; I’m just being patriotic. & 3) This doesn’t seem relevant. Not what you expect from a first class automotive journalist like myself. (insert laugh track) But listen people, this young lady is our future. So what she thinks about cars is not only relevant, it’s essential to help us predict which cars will thrive in the days to come.
One thing her future won’t bring is the Maserati Levante, which she has deemed “hideous.” Thanks kid, you just saved me $85k:
Here’s what she does like. Last week, she made me pull over so she could have her picture taken with this MG BGT:
She also digs the classic Mini Cooper:
Before you go assuming this is just a small, green British car theme, she’s also a HUGE fan of this:
Until Anglyne appears and scared the be-Jesus out of her. But my girl is a Z06 fan, thank you very much!
She also digs the Chrysler Pacifica:
The Stow N’ Go seating was a particular hit. She also loved the hybrid option. You can see her full Pacifica Video Review Here.
Freya is also a fan of convertibles:
This was the Ford Mustang GT, whose engine noises were also amazing. Mama loved it too.. another video is here.
So what’s the takeaway? What do Freya’s picks say about the future of automotive? It says that she likes what we like, cars that look great, drive great and help us live our lives better.. period. It’s not that complicated.
Oh and she also doesn’t do ugly:
What are your kids into? Let me know by tagging MHM on Facebook or Instagram. Maybe your kid will be my next Mini Motorhead.
Excellent taste. I had 2 MGB GT. And have a mustang. Love the old Mini.
Oh, she is ADORABLE!!?