You know that guy you had a crush on in high school?
And then you see him 10 years later at reunion and he’s fat, bald & tragic?
Then, a few years later, you hear he’s made it big with a dot com and is super hot?
Yeah, well, that’s pretty much Cadillac’s story. Although scoring with a start up is incredibly different than a government bail out, but whatever.
Fact is, we all have a crush on a Cadi sooner or later. And, as Americans, we all secretly root for this homegrown brand that was once the true definition of luxury. And then there are the tail fins:
They’re kind of like Pamela Anderson’s breasts– severely gaudy, incredibly impractical, appreciated by many & impossible to ignore.
So as I watch the new Caddies being previewed this year– the ELR & the Elmiraj in particular, I’m so excited to see this car company bring it — for real. When I sat in the ELR, it made my European luxury car feel vaguely lame:
Did I mention it’s electric? Yup. Take that, Tesla.
Cadillac hasn’t called me yet to actually DRIVE any of these beauties. But I’m optimistic. Because I’m feeling like any day now, I may just become like this guy: