Car Slut Confessions: Episode One
I’m a faithful wife. A totally loyal friend. But when it comes to cars, I get more action than Lindsey Lohan’s legal team. Even as…
I’m a faithful wife. A totally loyal friend. But when it comes to cars, I get more action than Lindsey Lohan’s legal team. Even as…
More powerful than shoe size! More accurate than 10 tax returns! This undocumented, entirely unresearched, purely anecdotical guide will help you decipher if your potential…
All kinds of people are worked up this week with VW’s “racist” Super Bowl ad “Get Happy.” Somehow, someone got in their crazy skull that…
It’s easy to argue that every day millions of irritable, irrational, bleeding bitches clog our roadways with their inept driving. However, pre-menstral driving is actually…
Let’s face it, car upholstery has had its ups (any Mercedes before 1975) and its downs (Levi’s Edition Gremlin, anyone?). But lately, it just seems…
What a year! We had no Hummers, plenty of hybrids & more remakes than Joan River’s face. Here are some of the highs: Geeks Ruled–…
‘Twas the night after Christmas when all through the car, All the creatures were stirring, but not getting too far, The children were farting in…
Oh, LA Auto Show– you never disappoint. This year there was plenty of Good. Mainly in the form of German alternative fuel vehicles. My favorite…
Here are the top 10 things I’m thankful for this holiday season: 10. Driving. Sounds incredibly basic, but today millions of women around the world…
In LA, vanity plates are the low hanging fruit of car commentary. They’re like Disney movies– absolutely everywhere and consistently ridiculous. However, like Disney movies–…