Freak of the Week: Paris Hilton
As I was driving home from work the other day, I was lured into a parking lot by this: Yes, it’s a Bentley with a trunk…
As I was driving home from work the other day, I was lured into a parking lot by this: Yes, it’s a Bentley with a trunk…
You know that guy you had a crush on in high school? And then you see him 10 years later at reunion and he’s fat, bald &…
Here in LA, your extraordinary is our ordinary. Palm trees & 80 degrees in January may equal vacation to you, but to us, it’s winter. A celebrity sighting may completely…
You know you’ve found your freak of the week when your 76 year old mother says, “Did you see that car?” I almost replied, “Have…
A friend of mine recently sent me an email proposing that we test drive a Hyundai. Now, Mama’s a busy lady and tooling around in a Hyundai…
The great thing about writing a car blog in LA is, you’re always just 3 or 4 streets away from inspiration. This is precisely what happened to my writer’s blocked…
Ah, the holidays. Time to slap on the snow tires and road trip over to the grumpy relatives place to eat, fart and repeat for 3 days straight. But before…
Here in LA, we do some freaky stuff. Perhaps you've heard. Fill our faces with botulism, pump up our boobs with salt water and vaccuum our…
A few weeks ago, I went to the amazing Motor4Toys car show in Woodland Hills. Featuring over 5,000 cars and collecting over 50,000 toys for the…
One of the best things about the LA Auto Show is that when you get that many people together in this town, things are bound to…