Freak Of The Week: Dune Buggy
I'm a big fan of Trader Joe's. I mean anyone who can make Honey Nut Cheerios cheaper and yummier gets my vote. I'm sure your Trader Joe's…
I'm a big fan of Trader Joe's. I mean anyone who can make Honey Nut Cheerios cheaper and yummier gets my vote. I'm sure your Trader Joe's…
Redbook magazine recently released a fascinating piece titled “The Best Cars For Women: Redbook Auto Awards 2013.” It opens with this promising statement– “Cars are usually judged by men,…
Being a freak is tough. The glares, the stares, the incessant feeling out of place. But to be a freak in a place that is…
At some point in the not-so-distant-past, Los Angeles was the most ethnically diverse city on the planet. Still true? I dunno. I’m not with the…
I dunno who said, “Eyes Are The Window Into The Soul.” It was like Jesus, Shakespeare or Leonardo Di Vinci, maybe Leonardo Di Caprio, somebody important. Anyway, that…
New Yorkers are notorious for being a-holes behind the wheel. Angelinos are notorious for being a-holes because of their wheels. In fact we have so many terrible cars, that they…
As you may remember from Episode One of DODB Part One, I’m a pick up girl. If you’re not, you’re simply not American and thus,…
Like many Americans, the 2000s for me were an orgy of home equity, stock options, dividends & cheap loans. After complaining of our growing tax bill, our…
Dear Motorhead Mama, Finally my husband & I can afford to get a new car. But he’s dead set on a Honda Accord. While I…
One of the great things about living in Southern California is that we have a lot of car shows. Recently, the great Peterson Automotive Museum…