Dude, Or Douchebag: Bronco
This week, in honor of the 19th Anniversary of the OJ Simpson freeway chase, I would like to salute the Dudes & the Douchebags that…
This week, in honor of the 19th Anniversary of the OJ Simpson freeway chase, I would like to salute the Dudes & the Douchebags that…
One of my favorite douchebag moves is the guy who plasters with their crappy car with various "racing" stickers. To me, it's pretty much the same as…
As you may remember from Episode One of DODB Part One, I’m a pick up girl. If you’re not, you’re simply not American and thus,…
Let’s face it, car upholstery has had its ups (any Mercedes before 1975) and its downs (Levi’s Edition Gremlin, anyone?). But lately, it just seems…
In LA, vanity plates are the low hanging fruit of car commentary. They’re like Disney movies– absolutely everywhere and consistently ridiculous. However, like Disney movies–…
In a town where two car lengths can make the difference between one more hour on the 405 or your exit to Freedom, anything that…
The Chevy Impala is the people’s car in Los Angeles. It represents everything from the main ride in Boyz in the Hood to the main…
Sometimes car trends start with the exotics and trickle down to the streets, like carbon fiber hoods. And sometimes car trends start with an 18-year-old…
Doesn’t it seem especially cruel, it being the first week of March, for me to show you cars with surfboards, bikes and other outdoor sporting…
Here in La La Land, driving a fancy car is no big thang. Buy yourself a G wagon and guess what’ll happen? You’ll park somewhere…